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Garden GreenPrint

4.2 ( 7472 ratings )
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Utvecklare: Perennial Designs, LLC

At Garden GreenPrint, we want to help get you started on the path to success as a gardener. We’ve designed our app for iPads to give you the tools you need to design your own garden and the support you need to grow it. Our app takes the knowledge of master horticulturists and puts it in your hands. All our garden templates contain flowers and plants, annuals and perennials that work with complimentary bloom times to deliver color and texture to your landscape all growing season long. The plants in each garden all grow in the same hardiness zones, and possess similar soil, light and watering needs so they all grow well together. Simply pick the template that’s right for that special place in your yard.

The apps intuitive functionality makes it simple, fun and educational to use. Work on the design board to drag and drop plants around your garden plan and create a design that suits you. Select from pre-screened alternates to control choices that fit your tastes and desires. We set it up so that nearly all your choices will be successful. Not sure about a choice, tap on a plant and the app displays all the information you need to make a good decision. Most importantly, when you have finished your garden design, you have everything you need to make your garden a reality. We provide the design, planning and support to help you plant and grow beautiful, functional gardens.

When you are finished designing your gardens, simply take your I-pad to the store, show them the plant list on the app and purchase the flowers and plants in your garden in the quantities on your list. Bring your flowers and iPad back home and use the GreenPrint in the app as your planting plan to help plant your garden. Over the course of the spring, summer and fall, check your garden guide for helpful tips for maintaining the garden. Garden GreenPrint puts all this information at your fingertips. Please try our app, then go out and build your garden with confidence.